Thursday, November 12, 2009

It's a New Day

It's funny how when life gets overwhelming my tendency is to curl up in a ball and hide from it all. I want to be able to tackle it .. head on.. full steam... but, it's so much easier to keep going through the daily motions and avoid it all. I have five children... lovely, gifted, talented, sensitive, thoughtful children. I love them immensely, yet at times I wonder how I can ever even begin to provide for them, inspire them and give them what they truly need. I've felt this compelling urge lately to get my life under control... to get a new rhythm for my days, to establish new routines and to get out of the rut of going through the motions. This urge started on my summer vacation and it literally sent me floating through my vacation on clouds.. I was ready to tackle the world. Then, I went back to work... school started... football started... college started... new projects at work started... and I began to sink... backwards into the abyss of just going through the motions. But lately, this inner voice is calling... get some structure, get some routine, then the juices will flow and the stress will shift into a form that will propel you , instead of drown you. So, here goes... I know key things have to change... I have to get up early, I need to run in the morning, I need to write .. preferably, in the morning... I need to spruce up my house, so it feels like home, again... I need to figure out what gets cleaned when and who's doing it... I need to organize work, so it feels structured.... Here, I go... watch out world... she's getting it together and she'll be better than ever.